Location = Remote

I currently only offer Online/Telephone sessions, I do not work in-person in a specific location.

Why do I only work remotely?

Because I want as many people as possible to have the opportunity to access therapy.

Remote working provides flexibility to offer 'out-of-hours' appointments:  Monday to Saturday | 7am-10pm

Remote therapy is an ideal option for anyone who prefers the reassurance and comfort of their own surroundings or who is restricted e.g. illness, disability, caring responsibilities; lives in an area where face-to-face services are limited; travels a lot; has a busy schedule.

Online vs. Telephone

An Online video appointment takes place on any device where we can see and hear each other on a screen. This is usually via Zoom or WhatsApp, depending on your wifi capability and preferred device.

A Telephone appointment takes place on any device where we can hear each other. This is usually your mobile handset or landline, but can also be on other devices.

The type of work we do will inform whether Online video or Telephone is more suitable and the length of time needed.

NB: The Rewind Technique and Guided Imagery  can only be done via a minimum 60 minute Online video (visual) session.

Safety | Confidentiality

Wherever you decide to be for your appointment (at home, in the car, outdoors etc.), it is vital that you are in a private and quiet space, where

  • we cannot be overheard
  • we are unlikely to be disturbed
  • you feel comfortable in talking

Please ensure your physical safety for the duration of the session.

For example, if you are in your car, be parked appropriately, with your engine switched off.  Or if you are outside, be aware of your surroundings.